
Marina Cheban is expeditiously crafting her dent in design, visualizing and synchronizing her interior custom style that is meticulously thought out and crafted for each client individually.  Her studies at the Parsons School of Design cultivated a hobby that eventually blossomed into a career.

Cheban Interiors aims to trigger an emotional connection from the client to the home, even if that means taking a person out of their comfort zone. “A lot of times people have difficulty visualizing the final product, I don’t abide by the rules the client is always right.  Sometimes I’m a designer and always a décor therapist”.  Marina Cheban’s passion for design, combined with her well-suited stubbornness, make up the perfect combination of a “go-getter” in a market that’s highly competitive including HobokenJersey City and Manhattan.  


Work Experience

Lorem ipsum, Design Editor
Nam Interdum, Creative Director
Vestibulum Eget, Creative Director
Nulla Varius, Editor
Tortor Quis Ante, Art Director
Gravida Ultrices, Art Director




